027 204 6885 tania@tjc.nz

Drug and Alcohol Management Plans

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of your employees, you should have a comprehensive drug and alcohol management plan in place. At Tania Jarvis Consulting, we can help you develop professional and confidential drug and alcohol management plans to ensure your workers remain safe and healthy. Talk to our consultants today!

Why Does a Business Need a Drug and Alcohol Management Plan?

When it comes to the workplace, alcohol and other drug use are occupational health and safety issues. It can impair an employee’s coordination, motor control, concentration, ability to exercise judgment, and alertness at work. A drug and alcohol management plan gives employers the tools to manage staff struggling with drug and alcohol-related issues. This can help reduce workplace accidents and protect the business, which can face severe penalties for breaches of health & safety legislation.

What Does a Drug and Alcohol Management Plan Include?

Here at TJC, we are focused on workplace wellness and preventative healthcare. Our team are passionate about educating and empowering others to create healthier, safer workplaces. We offer a range of courses, including drug and alcohol awareness training for company management. We provide the theory and practical training your management team needs to carry out your drug and alcohol policy successfully. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help your workforce be its best.

Need Help Developing a Drug and Alcohol Management Plan?

Developing a drug and alcohol management plan can be a complicated process. If you need help to ensure that your plan is comprehensive and sound, Tania Jarvis Consulting can help. Our consultants will work with you to identify challenges, opportunities, and priorities related to your business’s wellbeing and develop solutions to achieve workplace wellness.

Get in touch today!

Tania Jarvis

Ph: 027 204 6885

E: tania@tjc.nz